02 6331 3364
Child Dental Benefit Scheme

Child Dental Benefit Scheme

The Federal Government’s Child Dental Benefit Schedule , or Scheme, (CDBS) provides financial support for basic dental services for children where eligibility criteria is met. This criteria includes: the child is aged between 2 – 17years for at least one...
Dental Sleep Medicine

Dental Sleep Medicine

Did you know that Dr Theresa Cook, one our highly skilled dental professionals, is accredited to provide dental sleep medicine? Dental sleep medicine looks at the position of the airway during sleep and its relationship to sleep disordered breathing, a condition that...
What is dento-facial aesthetics?

What is dento-facial aesthetics?

Having confidence in the smile you’re presenting to the world can be wonderfully rewarding. Dento-facial aesthetics aims to give you optimum confidence by looking beyond the mouth to features and aesthetics that frame your smile. During an initial consult with...