Did you know that Dr Theresa Cook, one our highly skilled dental professionals, is accredited to provide dental sleep medicine?

Dental sleep medicine looks at the position of the airway during sleep and its relationship to sleep disordered breathing, a condition that increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and stroke, and more.

If you or your partner snores, shows signs of sleep restlessness, tossing and turning, or clenching and grinding of teeth, then we welcome you to contact us to make an appointment with Dr Theresa to identify the extent and nature of signs of sleep disordered breathing.  After identification we are then able to screen for more information and facilitate effective management of the condition.

During the screening process a small palm-sized recording devise along with a light-weight respiratory effort belt, a pulse reader and small breathing tube placed into the nose are all worn during sleep, generally for one night. Dr Theresa interprets the results from the devises which may result in either a referral to a General Practitioner (GP) for further investigation, and/or incorporation of information into your dental treatment plan.

Sleep disordered treatment may involve the provision of a customised airway supporting appliance – similar in look to a double mouthguard – which repositions the jaw to a comfortable position.

Contact the Bowman Dental team today to find out more about Dental Sleep Medicine.

Airway support device from Somnomed