As we all manage the challenging circumstances resulting from the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, we want to take this time to reassure you, our patients, that protecting your health and the health of our team and our community, remains our highest priority. With this in mind we have implemented the following additional procedures:
– We ask any patient with any of the symptoms consistent with COVID-19, including runny nose, fever, shortness of breath, persistent cough, or sore throat, to call in advance to arrange a postponed appointment time;
– All other patients attending appointments will be asked to use the hand sanitiser located on the front counter, as soon as you arrive;
– Unless absolutely necessary, we ask patients to come unaccompanied, to minimise risk within our community;
– You will notice that in addition to our surgical staff who as a standard wear masks, each and every team member at Bowman Dental will now be wearing masks at all times throughout each day;
– Staff will wipe all waiting area surfaces, including door handles and reception counter, with alcohol wipes, at least every hour throughout each day;
– Staff will wipe the point-of-sale and HICAPS machine with alcohol wipes before and after each use and use it on their hands after handling cash;
– Our children’s toys and magnets, and our books have been wiped and stored away until further notice;
– All staff will use hand sanitiser with heightened frequency as we move about the practice – this is in addition to our existing high hygiene standards
– We will stay in touch with all patients on a rolling 2 weeks basis, as circumstances may change at very short notice with additional measures being required;
– We will keep t information on our COVID-19 response up-to-date on our website and notify you of changes via text message, email and social media platforms.
We thank you for your consideration and patience as we navigate the coming weeks and months responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding your dental health appointment and COVID-19.
And remember, let’s all wash hands well and often.