Did you know that it’s Dental Health Week 5-11 August?
What a great reason to brush up 😉 on tips that support your family to achieve the best possible dental health outcomes for your children.
For babies we recommend cleaning their gums by softly wiping with a clean damp cloth, but at this age don’t use any toothpaste. Book your child’s first visit with a dentist when the first tooth appears or at 12months of age .
For toddlers (18months – three years of age) we recommend you use a soft children’s size toothbrush and child-strength fluoride toothpaste, aiming to clean teeth twice a day.
For young children (four to six years of age) continue to use a children’s size toothbrush, cleaning twice a day and flossing between teeth that touch each together.
For older children (over six years age) you can move on to adult-strength fluoride toothpaste, continuing twice daily cleaning and flossing between teeth that touch each other.
Don’t forget to check out the Child Dental Benefit Schedule (CDBS) – the government’s provision of $1,000 every two years for children aged 2-17years. Over 3 million children are eligible to receive this funding, which is a fantastic boost to their good dental health. Yes, you can redeem your CDBS funds with high quality dental care at Bowman Dental. We’ve written a bit more about the CDBS on another news post here.
The dental tips for children noted in this news feature come straight from the Australian Dental Association and you can see the full fun fact sheet with more tips here.