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How can you access $1,000 dental care for your child?

How can you access $1,000 dental care for your child?

First published in 2019 – updated Oct 28 2022: In 2014 the Australian Government introduced the Child Dental Benefit Schedule (CDBS) which provides benefits for a range of dental health services to eligible children. To be eligible children must be aged between...
What causes teeth grinding and how do I stop it?

What causes teeth grinding and how do I stop it?

What is teeth grinding? Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is the involuntary, unconscious action of gnashing, clenching or grinding your teeth. It can occur during the day (awake bruxism), but most often occurs during sleep (sleep bruxism). What causes it? Whilst there is...
Fast Facts on Flossing

Fast Facts on Flossing

Fast facts on flossing Have you been brushing like a champion and wondering if flossing is really worth the effort? Here are some of the benefits of flossing that will hopefully get you across the line to ‘Yes! It is a great idea to floss.’ Benefits of flossing: It...
Vaping and your oral health

Vaping and your oral health

It’s here Have you noticed vaping going on around you lately? It’s even been creeping into a few movies and tv shows, in books and online and we thought now would be a great time to share some information on vaping, the risks it poses to your health and in...
We are a registered COVIDSafe Business

We are a registered COVIDSafe Business

In line with our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and patient care, we continue to employ a number of additional practice procedures to protect our staff, patients and wider community throughout the COVID19 pandemic. We have completed the NSW...